Project 26 | Post 13 | Me and Mine / by Carey

Multitasking.  I am female and I'm supposed to be able to multitask well.  I cannot.  I could somewhat before having children.  Now?  Period.  This is one of those areas where I feel so much more male than female.  I suppose I have to punch a hole in stereotypes somehow.  All that to say, the addition of the Finding the Light Workshop (have I mentioned how awesome that is???) has caused me to dig deep and find my multitasking self somewhere in there.

For the workshop, I needed to take some images using one of my favorites:  Garage Light.  Kids needed to eat lunch.  Kids wanted to eat a picnic outside in the driveway.  Compromise and Multitask.  In the words of Michael Scott, a win-win-WIN!

I made a picnic lunch and set up our picnic quilt on the floor of the garage, just where I wanted them for the Garage Light photos.  It worked wonderfully.  They were occupied with something to do, yet stationary (at least as stationary is my children become).  But I had them right where I wanted them, light wise.  I shot way more than I needed for the assignment (what's new?)  Yet suddenly in the middle of documenting this fun picnic, I realized that this week was a Me and Mine post!  In just a few days, I'd need some images of them with me.  No time to over think it.  Just do it.  This was not a "put forth the appearance effort" day - I expected to go to running class at 6pm.  But as has been most of these awesome Me and Mine in my Group Project 26, it is real.  I didn't plan.  I didn't think.  I didn't prepare.  I just ran inside, grabbed my tripod and remote, and went to town.

We had a ball shooting these.  The kids have actually really enjoyed helping me with my "uh-tography"  class, as she calls it, and are for the first time in their lives enjoying seeing the results of the image on the LCD screen.  As is my usual case, how could I exclude any of these?  So you get them all.  Looking back of these, I think maybe, just maybe, I am a fun mom.

picnic with the kids

picnic with the kids

picnic with the kids

picnic with the kids

picnic with the kids

picnic with the kids

picnic with the kids

Here is where Little Buddy realized he could get up and watch the LCD screen behind the camera.
picnic with the kids

And of course the Little Lady needs her turn, too.
picnic with the kids

picnic with the kids

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Please take a few moments to spin around my Group Project 26 circle.  Up next is Christine Blaylock and I'm super excited to see how she worked up a Me and Mine for this June!

I shot these with my D90 Sigma 30mm f1.4