so they were called "world's best bubbles".... / by Carey

I first heard about Pinterest in the photography forums in January of 2011.... and I staunchly avoided it.  I knew, I just knew, I didn't need something else that would suck my time away.  I managed to keep this approach for a little more than two months.  Finally in March of 2011, I caved.  Oh, how glad I am that I caved.  I adore Pinterest.  Adore it.  I've found so many awesome ideas.  It is a creative researcher's dream.

One of those things was a pin called "world's best bubbles".  Of course with two young kiddos, this caught my attention.  It seemed super easy and I already had all the ingredients on hand.  I mixed up a batch and then we headed outside to check it out.  Little did I know...

These truly are the World's Best Bubbles.

So, these images are from early May 2011.  Almost a year ago, to the day.  To say that I'm behind in blogging my photos is an understatement. A grand, grand understatement.  In fact, every month of this year the item "blog flashback photos" has been on my master ToDo list in the "Imminent" Category.  (yes, I have an "imminent" category.  And yes, my husband laughed his head off at me when he discovered this.)  Needless to say, just because I write something under the Imminent ToDo list doesn't necessitate its completion... ironically.  But I have a whole boatload of images from last spring, summer, and fall that I've never blogged.  Some I've processed, like these I'm sharing today.  Most I haven't.  Perhaps this summer with all that extra time that is supposed to come with summer (yeah right) I'll get it done...

Back to the bubbles.  These spectacular mind blowing bubbles.  This recipe is truly too good not to whip up yourself.  Again we have an instance where my kids will never know that some people grow up with teeny tiny wimpy bubbles.  They'll think these awesome mac daddy bubbles are just how things are supposed to roll... or pop.

worlds best bubbles by Carey Pace

worlds best bubbles by Carey Pace

worlds best bubbles by Carey Pace

worlds best bubbles by Carey Pace

worlds best bubbles by Carey Pace

Pin It

So, the recipe, you ask?  Of course you can follow my pinterest links up above to find the original blog post it was pinned from.  But if you are in a hurry, it is... 

6 cups water
1/2 cup corn syrup
1 cup dawn dish soap

Just mix the corn syrup and water until dissolved and then slowly stir in the soap.  Works best for the solution to sit overnight before using.  Check this site out.  

I shot these with my D90 Sigma 30mm f1.4