let her sleep, for when she wakes she will move mountains / by Carey

My children dropped their naps, altogether, before they hit 18 months old.  Naps have not been part of our life for a long, long time.  It baffles me when I come across families whose 4 and 5 year olds STILL nap!  That has just not been my reality.  I have also experienced the occasional pang of jealousy when I see a photographer post a gorgeous image of their child sleeping, in the most beautiful daytime light.  For, I could never have that.  My children awaken before dawn, and don't go to bed until after the sun has set.  Natural light sleeping images are few and far between around these parts.

However, my kids have a virus this week that has given them fevers and general feeling of yuckiness.  When both had total meltdowns around lunch, Daddy decided it was time for a snuggle fest upstairs, with the hope of a nap.  Very much to my surprise, the Little Lady fell asleep in our bed.  And man, she did NOT want to wake up.  We could not rouse her!

My husband told me I really needed to come see her.  I was busy, though.  I was in the middle of productivity, and I had to fight the urge to say 'not this time'.  But I stopped what I was doing and went.  The moment I stepped into our bedroom -- a room I don't often experience during daylight hours -- and saw the light pouring over her sleeping, peaceful face, I just had to run get my camera.  The everyday beauty of her peaceful sleep in that beautiful light made my photographer and mommy heart happy.  I've documented her sleeping, during the last few weeks of the age of four.  These last few precious months before she takes the step from my baby girl to a kindergartener ... I don't have much time left.  I'm so grateful to have captured these moments for my heart forever.

Everyday Sleeping photos by Carey Pace

Everyday Sleeping photos by Carey Pace

Everyday Sleeping photos by Carey Pace

Everyday Sleeping photos by Carey Pace

Everyday Sleeping photos by Carey Pace

Everyday Sleeping photos by Carey Pace

Everyday Sleeping photos by Carey Pace