
I snapped. by Carey Pace

I had spent 18 of the last 72 hours in a Sportsplex with four full basketball courts being utilized continuously by some fifty kids from age 7 to 15. Countless balls bouncing, always bouncing, plus the unexpected whistles and buzzers, and incessant squeaks of sneakers on the court barraged my senses for six hours on Monday, then Tuesday, then Wednesday. 

I snapped. 415pm. Wednesday. 

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enjoying the rain by Carey Pace

I've spent the last hour and a half listening to the far off rumbling of a thunderstorm, and it has felt so very nice. 

At the old house, the forty-four year old windows had been wrapped in some sort of vinyl covering. I will never forget the first rainstorm we experienced there. It felt like being trapped inside a popcorn popper.

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